

Block'n'Load is a competitive first person shooter featuring distinct heroes, each with a unique kit of weapons, abilities, and blocks. The game features an interesting blend of direct combat and indirect level manipulation, creating an incredibly dynamic experience that isn't found anywhere else.

As the lead designer on the project from its inception I was instrumental in developing its unique blend of gameplay. I designed the underlying gameplay systems and stats, heroes, blocks, RPG systems, user interface, and initial levels. I was also responsible for testing and balancing, spending much of my time before release playing and tweaking to get everything just right.


Shufl.tech is a series digital shuffleboard games played using a physical shuffleboard and pucks as the input. It is a unique, stand-alone gaming machine with multiple integrated systems. The analog shuffleboard used as a controller, the cameras with their optical recognition software reading those inputs, the game server processing the stream of data, the monitor visually showing the output, and the control surfaces players use to interact with the system.

I joined the project late as the game producer, entering a situation that needed my help. I found the infrastrucure usually present for game development was not in place, so in order to properly support my team of developers I wore many hats. This included writing design documents, establishing a project management system, writing testing plans, ensuring QA, acquiring 3rd part assistance, and interfacing with management for reports and updates.

Grimm: Dark Legacy

Grimm: Dark legacy is a top-down survival action RPG based on the fantasy police procedural television series Grimm. The game has skill based action combat with RPG mechanics and cooperative multiplayer. Levels are procedurally generated based on different quest types and filled with animals and creatures each with their own AI and combat style. Gathering, crafting, and survival systems round out the package, packing a lot of features into a small game.

I was the lead, and only, designer for most of the development of Grimm. I was therefore responsible for every feature mentioned above. I designed the layout of the UI, how players interacted with the game world, and the extremely useful combat text.

The project contained several new features for the company. I researched and helped develop the custom procedural generation system that created visually appealing levels with interesting gameplay. We also also developed and implemented a comprehensive quests system and behavior trees for boss-like AI based on my designs.

Trolls vs Vikings 2

Trolls vs Vikings 2 is the successor to a Plants vs Zombies inspired mobile free-to-play tower defense game. The second iteration expands on the first game by adding more detailed rpg systems, more monetization features, and base building while retaining the core lane-based tower defense gameplay.

As a senior designer coming into an existing project I took control of all aspects of the underlying mathematics and game systems. This included the unit and enemy progression, the item and skills systems, the loot and rewards systems, and base building. Like many mobile games every feature was tied closely with every other feature and everything had to be precisely calculated to ensure optimal player engagement.

Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer

Age of Conan is a second generation Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing game. Initially hired as a senior designer for The Secret World, I moved to the Conan live team which was eventually merged with the expansion team creating Rise of the Godslayer.

On both the live and expansion team I primarily designed and implemented dungeons and raids. This includes level design, enemy ability and AI, boss encounters, and visual effects.

Immortal: Unchained

Immortal: Unchained is a third person action RPG in the style of Dark Souls. It has a wide variety of weapon and enemy types as well as a comprehensive RPG system where players can customize their character and create many unique builds.

I came into the project late (after Artplant was purchased by Toadman) as a balance and systems design specialist. Even though it was late in the project I was able to do a significant amount of work in not only balancing the game but also opening up the design space by creating new uses for several different weapon types. This involved not only a significant amount of data work but also changing and writing many custom lua scripts that affected gameplay.

Pensjonstrygden For Sjømenn

Pensjonstrygden For Sjømenn is a mobile app designed to assist retirees in managing their pension and finances. For this project I not only did my usual UX and interaction design, but I was also able to express my graphical side by creating all the visual details based on a provided style guide.

Being that the app is targeted towards older users I had to be especially careful about the size and layout of UI elements. Each button and interaction element is designed to have clearly contrasting colors and be easily readable by users with less than perfect eyesight (I can relate).